Some people get into credit trouble because of unforeseen crises, such as a severe illness with big medical bills or a lengthy layoff with no severance. Other www credit report free Iowa people, whatever their income, simply live beyond their means on a regular basis, overspending on credit. To some employers, that would raise a warning flag about an applicant's possible lack of self-discipline — and maybe even lack of integrity. And employers might reasonably be concerned www credit report free Iowa that an employee's money woes could tempt him or her to steal or to pad an expense account.
Whatever the courts eventually decree in pending lawsuits, I think the most ethical outcome would www credit report free Iowa be a middle ground — allowing the continued use of credit checks www credit report free Iowa in evaluating job applicants but giving applicants the right to explain negative information in their reports. (I also think that arrest records — www credit report free Iowa say, for disorderly conduct or DUIs — may ethically be used www credit report free Iowa in evaluating job applicants, with a similar right for applicants to explain the infractions.) Employers could still use a credit history as one of numerous factors in evaluating someone's fitness for a job, but www credit report free Iowa no one could be rejected simply on the basis of that history. free annual credit report no credit card
So many candidates with similar www credit report free Iowa qualifications — education, special skills and www credit report free Iowa job experience — are looking for work these days that it's understandable if employers often look www credit report free Iowa for small differentiating factors (positive and negative) to help them make decisions. A version of this article appeared on Kiplinger on March 1, 2011 A Q&A with uber-career hopper Paul Hoffman 65 Ways www credit report free Iowa Retirees Can Cut Their Day-to-Day Expenses www credit report free Iowa Cash as a birthday gift? Yes, please Why you cant get www credit report free Iowa enough of McDs monopoly game What you need to know about private sales The trademarks/service marks BUNDLE, www credit report free Iowa and the Bundle logos are the property of Bundle Corporation. yearly free credit report All other trademarks displayed on this site are the property of their respective owners. 5 Big Mistakes www credit report free Iowa to Avoid With rates at record lows, here's how to get the best rate possible. / Spending by | Oct 19, 2010 As important as your credit score is to your financial health, very few people truly know how their scores add up.
And plenty of consumers www credit report free Iowa get it wrong on the important questions, like how to raise www credit report free Iowa your score or how long a black mark lasts. MoneyWatchs Jill Schlesinger asked John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education for, to name the most common misunderstandings and to tell us what will really hurt (or help) your score. As important as your credit score www credit report free Iowa is to your financial health, very few people truly know how their scores add up.
And plenty of consumers get it wrong on the important questions, like how to raise your score or how www credit report free Iowa long a black mark lasts. MoneyWatchs Jill Schlesinger asked John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education for, to name the most common misunderstandings and to tell us what will really hurt (or help) your www credit report free Iowa score. report credit fraud With FICO scores typically ranging from 350 to 850, 35% www credit report free Iowa of the points on your score are directly tied to whether youre making your payments on time, says Ulzheimer. That leaves 65% of your score that has nothing to www credit report free Iowa do with missed payments. You cannot hang your hat on whether or not you are just making your payments on time, and assume you have fantastic credit he says.
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